The DIS stage is supposed to start after the related WG SR decisions at the Quebec City meeting in May 2009.

“DIS” stands for Draft International Standard and this developing phase is the most important phase of an ISO project:

  • The WG SR had had elaborated 5 working drafts and discussed them intensively (each of the later working drafts had gathered some 5.000 comments!)
  • The WG SR had produced the CD Committee Draft and collected feedback from ISO members having voting rights (82 out of 160). An analysis of the voting results is given under this link; the votes in favor were exactly two thirds as required by the ISO/IEC-Directives to formally justify a decision to go ahead towards a DIS, instead of first working on a second CD
  • ISO member bodies having voting rights and D Liaison organizations have offered 3.400 comments that need to be worked on when elaborating the text of the DIS
  • 106 ISO member bodies (out of 162, September 2009) will have the right to comment and vote on the DIS, but serious negative arguments shouldn’t be presented anymore because
    a) the 82 in WG SR “participating members” (the actively engaged ones) have had their opportunity already when commenting on the CD, and
    b) the almost other half of all ISO members may see the ISO 26000 draft in DIS form the first time and most probably won’t offer any other response but a vote
  • A high importance of the DIS phase is underlined by the “five-months voting period” and that ISO member bodies have here a last chance for offering substantial comments (on the subsequent FDIS Final Draft International Standard they may only vote YES or NO, but there is no chance to add any comments any longer), but
  • The paramount importance of the DIS phase is now – since there is no second CD – that all the 3.400 comments (and particularly the “general” ones among them) are taken duly into account, so that the draft DIS makes this obvious. Otherwise the risk is pretty high that the DIS will not find the acceptance it deserves.

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